
Monday, January 20, 2014

Oilfield Water Haulers Make Three Times what the Average Over the Road Truck Driver Makes

An experienced water hauler in North Dakota can command a wage of at least $30 per hour. For the sake of legalities, lets say that this water hauler only works 14 hours per day and so would earn $420 for the day (14 hours multiplied by $30 per hour). Over the road truck drivers earn an average of .45 per mile. Most otr truckers drive 600-700 miles per day during their 11 hour drive time allowance and 14 hour on duty allowance.

Any truck driver knows the 11(driving)/14(on duty) hour allotment is a joke. Most truckers work way longer than this on any given day of the week. Lets do the math. A 700 mile day at .45 cents per mile equates to a $315 dollar day. This would mean that the OTR driver made $22.50 per hour for the 14 hour day. I've been hauling water for 20 months now in North Dakota and I have never had to drive 700 miles in a day.

Each load that I haul has a turn around of about 60 miles. I average 4-5 loads per day. So on a good day I drive about 300 miles total. Now let me take that $420 paycheck and divide it by the total miles driven. My total per mile is $1.40 per mile loaded and empty. If I work 30 days out of the month, I earn over $12k. What over the road trucker is pulling down that kind of cash?

Any Class A CDL holder sick of getting paid crap wages for over the road work should consider a career change to water hauling in North Dakota. There are water hauling jobs in Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and other states, but North Dakota pays the best due to the current boom going on.

If you have the credentials, but don't know exactly how to go about getting a job up here, please consider buying my ebook "The Best Job in North Dakota".  The information in this book earned me over $100,000 in 2013 and took me from being an employee driver to an owner operator. If I can do it, why can't you?

If you don't have a CDL, but want to get in on the action, my book was also written with you in mind. I lay out the steps to earn CDL status and be oilfield ready for hire. The last chapter of my book is dedicated to the water haulers who have already landed a job, but might need better information for earning more money. 

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