
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hauling Water in North Dakota as a Truck Driver has Changed Many Lives Forever

According the International Energy Agency and contrary to the rumors of an impending bust, North Dakota's Bakken shale reserves have staying power in the oil price war that's going on between OPEC and the U.S.. For any of us truck drivers who might be fearful about the oil boom going caput, don't give up hope just yet. The bakken shale oil play can still make oil companies money even when prices dip below $50 per barrel. In some areas of the Bakken, the break even point is around $30. This is good news for anyone considering a move to the Bakken oilfield. The OPEC oil barons thought that by flooding the world market with oil, they would put U.S. oil producers out of business, but their ignorant game is only going to hurt their own investments.

What does this mean for us water haulers working in North Dakota? It means that production might slow down a little, but even with the projected 30% drop in production, the Bakken will still double it's 30,000,000 barrel per month output over the next five years. Another 15,000 wells will need to be drilled during that time to reach the projected 60 million barrels and if a driver has the skills and credentials to take advantage of this opportunity, I highly recommend that you do. My goal to benefit from working as a truck driver was set in 2012 and I'm not the only one who has gotten ahead because of making that decision. Many of us over-worked and underpaid truckers came here with high hopes and luckily landed jobs that have led us up and above the poverty line.

If you feel like you haven't a clue about how to proceed in the water hauler job hunt, please consider purchasing and reading my ebook, "The Best Job in North Dakota". On occasion, some of the over 400 readers who've purchased the book write back and share their thoughts about its contents. Here are just a few:

"I just came across your site while searching for cdl jobs. Just wanted to show my appreciation for the amount of information you shared on your website. I hope you are able achieve your goals as well as help others break into the industry. Be safe out there. Thanks for the great read."

"I've been reading your blog and recently purchased and read through your ebook on water hauling in North Dakota. Thank you so much for taking time out of your hectic schedule to write down what you've learned while working in the oil fields. The pictures and brief videos have been awesome as well. I am in a situation like you were before you left for the Bakken. I am at a job that pays decent enough and is a good driving job. But I want to do more than just get by. I want more for my family. I'm serious about getting up there and getting started as soon as possible. Thanks again for your insight and encouraging others to get to ND and just do it!"

The U.S. is facing a tough job market right now, but many of us have beat back the odds and found success in North Dakota. We live in uncertain times and while there are no guarantees in life, my objective for writing and sharing the ebook was to help minimize a drivers risk before heading to the Bakken for a job. Some who have read the book decide not to come and have thanked me for opening their eyes to the risks of working in the North Dakota oilfield. Imagine the cost they might have incurred if they hadn't spent a few bucks on the ebook first. 

This work isn't for everyone. It takes a special person to be a truck driver. Days are long and mostly lonely. A guy has a lot of time to think about life while maneuvering the backroads of the oil patch. Balancing work and family has always been important to me and you'd be surprised at how many of us water haulers find ways to balance our lives. It's always a little easier to balance life when a guys wallet is full of benjamins. I remember when times were tough and paycheck to paycheck was the norm. 

I pray that God will continue to bless us all as we seek ways to work so that we can better support our loved ones. May you have a Merry Christmas this year and always keep your eyes open to the fact that there are always opportunities open for those of us who keep the faith and never give up trying to better ourselves and the lives of those around us. 

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