Let me answer this question with a question: Is the earth round? Listen. The earth was believed to be flat for a really, really, really long time. It also took a man with a lot of courage and persistent determination to prove to the world that the earth was, in fact, round. There are still people who have this flat-earth mentality. They believe that there is a scarcity rather than an abundance of high-paying jobs in North Dakota. The realist side of me won't deny the fact that there have been people who have been screwed in North Dakota. As long as there are liars, cheats and thieves on the earth, there will always be stories about people losing their asses in the Bakken oilfield. I've been ripped off myself, but instead of quitting, I kept going.
I kept going, because I made a choice to listen to the success stories rather than focus on the deterring emotions of my failures. It's easy to allow our minds to doubt the possible, because it doesn't require very much energy and sacrifice on our part. But it's harder to believe the possible, because it strikes a nerve within us that begs the question: Can I do it? If you don't have the courage and determination within you to keep trying even after you experience one rejection after another during your job hunt, you probably won't make good money in North Dakota.
The challenge isn't finding a good job, it's not giving up until you do. You can still make good money in North Dakota. I know people who are. It's called an oil boom for a reason. The boom isn't over. Job growth in North Dakota is only held back right now by the weather, the limited work force and the lack of infrastructure. Research the news articles about North Dakota's economy and that should be proof enough that the money is there. You just have to stick your neck out and fight for it. That my friend is the hard part. Lucky for you, the ebook I wrote minimizes your risk by educating you on the steps I took to reach this success.
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