
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Finding a job in North Dakota usually requires Giving up Something Good for Something Better

Winter is fast approaching and some drivers leave, some drivers arrive, but most stay. Why? Simple! They stay and they arrive, because of the pay. What else would possess a human being with any sort of common sense to endure the hardships of a North Dakota winter? The adventure? The challenge? Well, I guess those aspects also add to the allure of experiencing the best job in North Dakota, but pay is king.

There is no such thing as a guarantee in life, but a truck driver who enjoys life's journey will be a lot happier than the one who's always waiting for arrival to the destination. I've made a lot of money hauling water in the Bakken oilfield, but those riches haven't come without a price. During my first year of success, I took some of my oilfield money and bought myself a 30' pontoon boat.

We enjoyed that boat for a season, but when opportunity came knocking to grow my business, the boat had to be sacrificed. Sacrifice, by definition, is giving up something good for something better. The money I made off the sale of my boat helped me keep my business interests afloat, but it wasn't easy letting it go. This year, we didn't enjoy any boat outings on the lake, but the idea is that the reinvestment of that money will provide for greater luxuries down the road.

Why do I share all of this with you? Well,  just think of the possessions and comforts in your own life that you could possibly do without. Think of how by letting them go, you might be able to use them as stepping stones to a better tomorrow. Your possesions may not be paid for, but letting them go could free up the money you might be needing to set yourself up for success in North Dakota.

The ebook I sell on this website expounds on what I'm talking about here, as well as, how to go about landing a high-paying job as a water hauler here in the patch. You need to look for companies that have deep pockets and a busy work record if you're ever going to find the success I'm talking about.

I want a lot of 'things' that money can buy, but wanting those things and actually doing something about it are two entirely different things. Set yourself a course to follow by purchasing the ebook and then do as I've done. Add in a lot of hard work and commitment and you'll be amazed what the water hauling companies in this oil play can do for the wallet in your pocket.

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